CGC Registry

Superboy Adventures

Set Type: Adventure Comics #32-#503
Owner: Silver
Last Modified: 11/25/2024
Views: 1328

Rank: 7
Score: 22197
Leading by: 659
Points to Higher Rank: 372

Set Description:

The Legion of Super-Heroes started here, and their best stuff was in Adventure Comics.

Although I am collecting a complete set of Superboy, I am not going for all of his appearances in Adventure Comics. I would like to get certain issues like 210 and other early Krypto appearances and the 247 and 267-380.

I didn't care much for the Supergirl issues of Adventure but some of the later stuff is interesting. They flirted with a "adventure" theme for awhile, Spectre, Aquaman, Superboy solo's again (!) and the finally a digest run with Legion reprints from earlier issues of Adventure.

SPeaking of the Legion issues...what a underrated series! Adventure 300 is a classic issue and really represents the "first" issue dedicated to the Legion. Classic cover, cool story....if it had come out as Legion of Super-Heroes #1 instead of Adventure #300 it would be valued at multiples!

So many good stories!

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