CGC Registry

Super Duper Stories

Set Type: Spidey Super Stories (1974)
Owner: Doc Joe
Last Modified: 6/23/2024
Views: 1250

Rank: 1
Score: 10380
Leading by: 2252
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

Here we have the famous Spidey Super goal is to collect the run in 9.6 and 9.8. This has been an ongoing project for many years.

These books were aimed at younger readers (6-10) and so, like most comics, they got trashed and finding them in high grade is hard to say the least. They were published from 1974 to 1982 and had 57 issues.

Still these have a huge nostalgic value to me; they were the first comics I was reading when I started collecting in New York City in the 1970's. I can remember when I completed the run by getting the last comic I needed at a show in NYC.

Much of the action takes place of course in NYC. Many familiar scenes throughout the books.

These books cover a huge range of Marvel villains and hero's; apparently the goal was to continue to introduce kids to new characters. In each book Spidey teams up with another hero and fights a villain. Even Thanos makes it into there!

What is even more fun are the 2nd , 3rd and 4th covers of these books.

Instead of the usual comic ads the inside front and back covers had small stories about Spider Man; his costume, web, abilities, his friends (e.g. Mary Jane, J Jonah Jameson) , his colleagues (Vison, Sue Storm, Cap America etc etc)

The third cover had a series called Wit of the Web Slinger
(e.g. Whats the hardest part of riding a bike...the pavement; what goes up but never comes down, your age etc ) and the wonderful line - send us your jokes, we will publish the worst ones!

A lot of original art exists for all these and I have an extensive collection of them. most framed and on the walls. Indeed at our kids school I did an exhibit of Wit of the Web Slinger which all the kids enjoyed.

Apparently these books were the most scrutinized from an editorial perspective to make sure they fit within the Electric Companys goals and that there were reading appropriate for the ages and that they gave attention to making sure women had significant roles in the comics.

I still give them as gifts today for kids in that age range that are reading. A really great comic, thrilled to have this collection.

I am also pleased to own two original Romita front covers from this run.
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