CGC Registry

Avengers Assemble Again

Set Type: Avengers #1-#503
Owner: Corpse
Last Modified: 9/28/2021
Views: 658

Rank: 79
Score: 3634
Leading by: 34
Points to Higher Rank: 19

Set Description:

This set has special meaning to me, it was a large bulk of my first collection from my youth. Now it's time to re-assemble this time of joy in my life.

I was fortunate enough to live in Denver in the early 80's where there was a pletheora of great comic shops with a awsome stock of back issues. Over a couple of summers mowing lawns and winters of shoveling snow I was able to purchase issues 1-70, most in mid grade with a few high grade and a few that were just terrible, but it was complete. Also in this set was a smattering of books betwene 71 and 179, then a solid run from 180-240.

As a pre-teen and early teen in years I was proud of this set and loved these books. I was constantly reading them over and over enjoying them each time through.

Then along comes high school and I stopped collecting as my interests turned to girls and cars (go figure). To Afford my first car I needed more funds so I decided to sell almost all of my collection, this included the entire Avengers set. Was it worth it? Yes! Many great times were had after that (I'll let your imagination wander on that subject).

I never looked back on that sale over the years until recently, boy did that set bring back many fond memories of my early life. Having this feeling come into my mind I decided it was time to own the set again. Although unlike "The Four Horsemen Of Corpse" Fantastic Four set I will not be concentrating on high grade issues, instead I will be looking for mid grade copies for a good deal, not really caring how long it takes me to do it.

The hunt is on again!

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