Set Description:
This set is a mix of a few retailers, ALL the Comics & Comix Crew: Plant-Barrett-Bob: Distributor (Bud Plant Inc.), Direct-sale, newsstand copies (Best of Two Worlds, and Comics & Comix), hand-selected or unhandled, untouched, File Copies, + HA #2
The gallery tab shows only items with images. Click the thumbnails to enlarge. |
Slot: |
Judge Dredd 1 (Eagle) |
Item: |
Judge Dredd 1 Modern |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
(CGC Book #37) (TOP POP)
newsstand, Pedigree, One Owner, File Copy)
... one family owner 39+ years.
This is the 75TH cgc'd Judge Dredd #1!
I bought this Judge Dredd #1 at the time of publication. This is a direct sale newsstand copy from .. that big guy with long, sandy-blond hair, a beard, a brown brimmed hat, and a cup: Rory Root. (...know you're havin' fun.) (RIP Rory, RR-II-PP.)
This is the 30th Universal 9.8 Judge Dredd #1, and the
...34th 9.8, overall.
One family owner 39+ years.
Sisters and Siblings
to 9.8 0197506004 (73rd cgc'd JD #1);
(29th Universal 9.8, 33rd 9.8 incl. 4 SS)
to 9.6 0197506005 (74th cgc'd JD #1);
(11th Universal 9.6, 18th 9.6 incl. 7 SS)
to 9.6 0188940002 (rich red)
to 9.8 0190247010
(28th Universal 9.8, 32nd 9.8 incl. 4 SS)
(one of the scarcest JD #1s!)
(Rich Red, w/'Cut-in' No. 1.)
...sending special thanks to "~n", and "e" for giving a home to these ["Modern"] Pedigree File Copies
...0197506006 ???
I don't know why I picked up JUDGE DREDD off the stands, especially for me, with a red cover.... Maybe it was the PRINCE BUSTER song that was playing on KALX ("I sentence you to 500 years!"). Maybe, it WASN'T the "He is The Law" part, but moreover, the bashed skinhead, and a Dead Kennedy's 'Nazi Punks Flick Off' feeling I had then, and still have to this day (sexism, racism, agism IS obsolete). Nevertheless, I REALLY like the character(s) and BRIAN BOLLAND's art. I bought ones (I think) and threes from Rory (...great COMIC BOOK guy!), at THE BEST OF TWO WORLDS, and ones (, but NOT threes) from another great, distributor Bud Plant, Inc., in Grass Valley, California (... , BUT I have gotta find that BP INVOICE! make sure. These all might be direct sale newsstand copies, from RR and BOTW. DID I buy forty copies off the stands?!) (I swore I sourced them from both, but I gotta make sure. ...more later.)
..., AND the copies off the [Best of Two Worlds] stands were more IMMACULATE than, fresher than, the BP copies. Those BP books all seem to have solid 1/8th inch flecks at the top, and/or bottom of the spines. I guess it was box-wear. (I know there was a difference....) Recently, I could not recall the difference between the two, but after digging them out, having them third-part graded by CGC, and.... (Sometimes, interestingly, I could tell, Rory hated it when I did that a stack of ten copies! I couldn't figure out why, but I guess he didn't like it when I bought alot of what he liked too.) Besides, I'd go in to Best of Two Worlds, and if I found a NEW (i.e., cover-price) comic book on my target list, I'd carefully pick up a stack, letting gravity do the work, and either select or not. Usually, if the books were good, one could skip maybe a top copy or two. ...same for the back copies. Generally, they would NOT BE MIXED; if they were bad, then most were that bad; if they were that good, it would behoove one to be more selective and make the sale.
That's what I did with these. (I remember the poorer copies, and I swear, getting ones in the mail. Maybe, I only bought ones and threes after I saw what came from BP that time on an order of ones. I'll have to get the remainder going, and see what's up.
It is entrirely possible that this 9.8 has barely nary a fingerprint on it!
Here's th' Cert. Info.:
Certification #: 0197506006
Title: Judge Dredd
Issue: 1
Issue Date: 11/83
Issue Year: 1983
Publisher: Eagle Comics
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Grade Date: 08/16/2012
Category: Modern
Art Comments: John Wagner story Brian Bolland cover & art.
CENSUS: (see above)
Grader Notes: None Available
..., and here's WHAT the Judge Dredd #1 CENSUS looks like,
CGC Census - Search Results
Title: Judge Dredd
Issue No.: 1
Issue Date: 11/83
Year: 1983
Publisher: Eagle Comics
Key Comments: 1st U.S. appearance of, Judge Joseph Dredd.
Art Comments: John Wagner story, Brian Bolland cover & art.
Grade Univ. Qual. SSer. Rest. Total
Mint: 10.=0
Mint: 9.9=0
Near Mint/Mint 9.8 213 0 30 0 243
Near Mint + 9.6 275 0 24 0 299
Near Mint 9.4 198 0 6 0 204
Near Mint - 9.2 131 0 7 0 138
Very Fine/Near Mint 9.0 96 0 6 0 102
Very Fine + 8.5 68 0 3 0 71
Very Fine 8.0 45 0 2 0 47
Very Fine - 7.5 24 0 1 0 25
Fine/Very Fine 7.0 28 0 0 0 28
Fine + 6.5 11 0 1 0 12
Fine 6.0 4 0 0 0 4
Fine - 5.5 4 0 0 0 4
Very Good/Fine 5.0 3 1 0 0 4
Very Good + 4.5 3 0 0 0 3
Very Good 4.0 0 1 0 0 1
..., with nothing below 4.0, for a total
Total 1103 2 80 0 1185
Search again - CGC Census Disclaimer
THIS .. IS .. A .. W-I-P!!!
Slot: |
Judge Dredd 2 (Eagle) |
Item: |
Judge Dredd 2 |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
Not part of Original [ks] Collection - HA 7.7.80.
This was listed on HA
with a short offer
(to the asking price),
and I upped it one,
but soon thought that
if I were upped one,
then I would lose the deal.
after a few minutes of realization,
I commited to the seller's price.
...locking down this Judge Dredd #2
cgc Universal 9.8 (1 of 13 = 10u + 3ss) sale.
This one having a..
"Grade Date: 10/25/2011"
Slightly regrettably, I did not capture th' HA image, so an image is to follow..
god willing.
Peace be upon you, "Sports Fans."!
Here's th' Cert. Info.:
Certification #: 0915645012
Title: Judge Dredd
Issue: 2
Issue Date: 12/83
Issue Year: 1983
Publisher: Eagle Comics
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Grade Date: 10/25/2011
Category: Modern
Art Comments: John Wagner story Brian Bolland cover & art
Key Comments: Pin-up on back cover by Brian Bolland.
Census: (see above)
Grader Notes: None Available
Slot: |
Judge Dredd 3 (Eagle) |
Item: |
Judge Dredd 3 Modern |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
(CGC Book #40) VERY SCARCE, In Grade & In
CENSUS, (GSOS) [Gee-sauce] GERBER 7, Scarce,
21-50 copies; OVERSTREET Scarce: 20-100 copies,
27 in CENSUS, Highest Graded Copy, BEST OF
TWO WORLDS, RORY ROOT, Direct Sale, Retail,
Newsstand, Pedigree, 'unsqueeked', Original One
Owner, File Copy. (TOP POP)
... one family owner 39+ years....
I bought this Judge Dredd #3 at the time of publication. This is a direct sale newsstand copy from THE BEST OF TWO WORLDS in Berkeley, Ca., where I met Rory [Root] and Bob [Beerbohm], and I already knew Ken [Lupoff]; we were neighbors, and grew up in Berkeley together. I'd visit each of those guys at BEST OF TWO WORLDS, 3 times or more a week.
So, this is the 12th cgc'd Judge Dredd #3.
This is the 5th Universal 9.8 Judge Dredd #3, listed in CGC populations.
With these..
Judge Dredd #3 looks like this:
9.8: 5 (3 - can't's)(Rory Roots', BOTW)
9.6: 4 (2 - can't's)(likely Rory R's, BOTW)
9.4: 1 (1 - can't's)(Bud Plant, Inc. copy?)
9.2: 1
9.0: 1
8.0: 1
This copy of Judge Dredd #3 has
a [cover-trimmed] "CUT-IN" No. 3,
making it.. [one of]
a scarcer variant for Judge Dredd #3s.
Sisters and Siblings
to 9.8 #0197506001
(SOLD, 11 Sep 2012, to "r"),
(9th cgc'd JD #3, 3rd 9.8)
(...likely, my best, squarest, copy.)
(Those 2 tenths!)
(...don't know if, or think, I'll
be able to match that, ever again!)
to 9.8 0197506008
(SOLD, 9 Sep 2012, to "s")
(11th cgc'd JD #3, 4th 9.8)
(On this particular Judge Dredd #3,
of all the Judge Dredd #3s I've seen, NONE had a back BLACK cover trimmed that showed triangular whiteness at the edge
(,and this one placed at 9.8, NM/MT!).
On this copy, the top of the bc, almost looks like a slight, standing-settling, 'twist-roll', but it is really 'trick of the eye.' (trompe l'oeil) I, truly, discovered what it was, that is, white cover stock!, under magnification.)
(For the most part, when I submit comics to be 'corner-stoned', I leave them as they are in the polyester sleeves. If it has a rec'd. date, owner initial [ibc border, or last page, for me], discount rate, autograph(s), signature(s), or other notes, then..
I will re-handle it, to confirm what is written, and the exact-est provenance, from this current later date, for that file copy, or otherwise, back issue, Distr. copy, etc..)
to 9.6 0190247011
(SOLD, 6 June 2012, to "r"
(3rd 9.6 cgc'd JD #3)
It is certain that these books were not read, put into mylar snugs, and acid-free backed, and placed in acid-free boxes.. like.. 'Amontillado'.. locked away into 'Casques'.. at the time of publication.. until I joined CGC this year, and got right back into....
Well, you know th' SO MANY pluses.
THANK YOU AFFICIANADOS, (esp. RUNE, SAM, and ROBIN !!!) YOU MAKE THIS ENTERPRISE MOST ADVENTUROUS, and YOU'VE SAVED MY NECK.. (with many others like Bob in AZ, Londoner David, the wolfman!, J-W TEXAS....) a few times.
These Judge Dredd #3 comics are part of
the same "Family _lot."
All of these are/were One Owner books,
file copies
from this .. 27-year-plus..
... 35-YEAR PLUS .. owner.
Here's th' Cert. Info.:
Certification #: 0197506009
Title: Judge Dredd
Issue: 3
Issue Date: 1/84
Issue Year: 1984
Publisher: Eagle Comics
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Grade Date: 08/16/2012
Category: Modern
Art Comments: John Wagner story Brian Bolland cover & art
Key Comments: Pin-up on back cover by Brian Bolland.
CENSUS: (see above, and BELOW --- v)
Grader Notes: None Available
..., and here's th' CENSUS:
Title: Judge Dredd
Issue No.: 3
Issue Date: 1/84
Year: 1984
Publisher: Eagle Comics
Grade Univ. Qual. SSer. Rest. Total
Mint 10.=0
Mint 9.9=0
NM/M 9.8 11 0 0 0 11
NM + 9.6 9 0 0 0 9
NM 9.4 4 0 0 0 4
NM - 9.2 1 0 0 0 1
VF/NM 9.0 2 0 1 0 3
VF + 8.5 0 0 0 0 0
VF 8.0 1 0 0 0 1
VF - 7.5 0 0 0 0 0
F/VF 7.0 1 0 0 0 1
...with nothing below 7.0 for a..
Total 29 0 1 0 30
(CENSUS as of 18 Nov., 2014)
...same sisters, same siblings.
..., but wait! There's more!
CGC Census, New Search
CGC Census - Search Results
Title Judge Dredd
Issue No. 3
Issue Date 1/84
Year 1984
Publisher Eagle Comics
Key Comments: Pin-up on back cover by Brian Bolland.
Art Comments: John Wagner story, Brian Bolland cover & art.
Grade: Univ. Qual. SSer. Rest. Total
Mint 10.=0
Mint 9.9=0
NEAR MINT/MINT 9.8 13 0 0 0 13
NM + 9.6 15 0 0 0 15
NM 9.4 4 0 0 0 4
NM - 9.2 2 0 0 0 2
VF/NM 9.0 2 0 1 0 3
VF + 8.5 1 0 0 0 1
VF 8.0 1 0 0 0 1
VF - 7.5 1 0 0 0 1
F/VF 7.0 1 0 0 0 1
Fine + 6.5 0 0 0 0 0
...with NOTHING below .. 7.0, for a ..
Total 40 0 1 0 41
{updated: 16th, 14th Jan., 2020 - ckw}
*** ..., BUT WAIT ... ***
CENSUS UPDATE: {18 May 2023}
CGC Census - Search Results
Title: Judge Dredd
Issue: No. 3
Issue Date: 1/84
Year: 1984
Publisher: Eagle Comics
Key Comments: Pin-up on back cover by Brian Bolland.
Art Comments: John Wagner story, Brian Bolland cover & art.
Grade Univ. Qual. SSer. Rest. Total
Mint 10.=0
Mint 9.9=0
Near Mint/Mint 9.8 22 0 0 0 22
Near Mint + 9.6 21 0 1 0 22
Near Mint 9.4 7 0 1 0 8
Near Mint - 9.2 2 0 0 0 2
Very Fine/Near Mint 9.0 4 0 1 0 5
Very Fine + 8.5 3 0 0 0 3
Very Fine 8.0 3 0 0 0 3
Very Fine - 7.5 1 1 0 0 2
Fine/Very Fine 7.0 1 0 0 0 1
Fine + 6.5 1 0 0 0 1
..., with nothing below 6.5, for a ..
Total 65 1 3 0 69
Search again
'Happy Hunting, Sports Fans' - ckw
This.. is.. a.. WIP!
Slot: |
Judge Dredd 4 (Eagle) |
Item: |
Judge Dredd 4 Modern |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
(CGC Book #34)
(Comics & Comix, newsstand, Pedigree, One Owner, File Copy)
I bought this Judge Dredd #4
at the time of publication. This is
a direct sale newsstand copy
from Comics & Comix in Berkeley, Ca..
This is the 8th cgc'd Judge Dredd #4.
This is the 1st Universal 9.6 Judge Dredd #4.
One family owner 37+ years.
Here's th' Cert. Info.:
Certification #: 0197506003
Title: Judge Dredd
Issue: 4
Issue Date: 2/84
Issue Year: 1984
Publisher: Eagle Comics
Grade: 9.6
Page Quality: WHITE
Grade Date: 08/16/2012
Category: Modern
Art Comments: John Wagner story Brian Bolland & Ron Smith art Brian Bolland cover
Census: (see CENSUS copied bellow)
Grader Notes: None Available
Judge Dredd
_Issue No.: 4
Issue Date: 2/84
______Year: 1984
_Publisher: Eagle Comics
Grade Univ. Qual. SSer. Rest. Total
Mint 10.0 0 0 0 0 0
Mint 9.9 0 0 0 0 0
NM/M 9.8 5 0 1 0 6
NM + 9.6 1 0 0 0 1
NM 9.4 3 0 2 0 5
NM - 9.2 0 0 0 0 0
...with nothing below 9.4, for a
Total 9 0 3 0 12
(CENSUS as of 18 Nov., 2014)
This.. is.. a.. WIP!
| | |