CGC Registry

Magazines From Out Of This World

Set Type: Starlog (1976)
Owner: bagofleas
Last Modified: 6/16/2014
Views: 445

Rank: 1
Score: 396
Leading by: 344
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

I started picking copies of these up off the bookshelves in 1987 when I was 14 years old.

I LOVED THEM!! I would read practically every article in each issue. Whether it was on a movie or actor/actress or book or interview. It didn't matter to me.

I was soaking up everything sci-fi or fantasy based at the time and this was long before DVDs came out and started adding behind the scenes features from movies onto the home versions of the films.

For you young whippersnappers out there, movies came out on something called VHS tapes and there was only enough room for the film and not much else.

So being able to read articles and see behind the scenes pictures in these magazines was a real treat for me.

I was the only person getting these sogned and/or graded when I requested the set be created. Now I see that a few others have at least started to do something with the set as well. Very cool! Pretty much every one of these for my set will be OAKs! I love being a trend setter!

I really tried to keep these in excellent condition over the years. All of the copies you will see graded for this set are from my personal collection that my father and I purchased and held on to for "lo these many years".

If an issue here is not from my original collection, I will note it in the issue's description.
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