CGC Registry

Friendship Is Magic

Set Type: My Little Pony (IDW)
Owner: Biko
Last Modified: 7/1/2024
Views: 873

Rank: 1
Score: 1290
Leading by: 524
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is an ongoing Hasbro licensed series of full-color comics by IDW Publishing. It consists of original story arcs set after the second season of the popular cartoon show. The quintessential MLP flagship comic.

My Little Pony Micro-Series is a Hasbro licensed series of full-color comics by IDW Publishing. Each issue is a self-contained story that focuses on one of the characters from the show. Issue #10 was released as the last issue in the series. MLP one-shot series.

My Little Pony: Friends Forever is a Hasbro licensed series of full-color comics by IDW Publishing. This replaced the micro-series after it concluded it's run. Each issue is a self-contained story that focuses on two of the show's characters together. MLP team-up series.
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