CGC Registry

antelopes fuss

Set Type: Tales of Suspense #39-#99
Owner: trevorlsmith
Last Modified: 4/26/2023
Views: 1046

Rank: 41
Score: 16325
Leading by: 613
Points to Higher Rank: 1008
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0066030017 Slot Score Increased* 800 163254/26/2023 2:50:31 PM
0708664001 Slot Score Increased* 4550 155254/26/2023 2:47:20 PM
0047366019 Slot Score Increased* 500 109754/6/2023 3:09:08 PM
0047366017 Slot Score Increased* 300 104754/6/2023 3:08:00 PM
0066030017 Slot Score Increased* 570 101755/12/2021 12:16:30 PM
0708664001 Slot Score Increased* 900 96051/14/2020 1:06:48 PM
0066030017 Slot Score Increased* 330 87052/18/2019 12:07:28 PM
0708664001 Slot Score Increased* 1237 837511/21/2014 5:19:05 PM
Initial Score 7138 713812/14/2010 12:16:04 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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