CGC Registry


Set Type: Civil War (2006)
Owner: Max Carnage
Last Modified: 10/28/2008
Views: 825

Rank: 22
Score: 1047
Leading by: 5
Points to Higher Rank: 37
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0765994023 Slot Score Reduced* -1 10473/9/2017 6:15:30 PM
0765994051 Slot Score Reduced* -1 10483/9/2017 6:14:59 PM
0765994050 Slot Score Reduced* -1 10493/9/2017 6:06:37 PM
0765994001 Slot Score Reduced* -1 10503/9/2017 6:04:05 PM
0760118015 Slot Score Reduced* -1 10513/9/2017 6:03:51 PM
0760012017 Slot Score Reduced* -1 10523/9/2017 6:02:56 PM
0772005021 Slot Score Reduced* -1 10533/9/2017 6:00:04 PM
Initial Score 1054 105410/28/2008 6:23:26 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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