CGC Registry

The Adams Brand Of Exellence

Set Type: Strange Adventures #205-#216 (Specialized)
Owner: john ivic
Last Modified: 1/6/2021
Views: 837

Rank: 8
Score: 3775
Leading by: 430
Points to Higher Rank: 271
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0053947007 Added 495 37751/6/2021 4:30:54 PM
1347934005 Removed -420 32801/6/2021 1:16:23 PM
0764117005 Removed -670 37008/15/2020 6:19:09 PM
0764117005 Slot Score Increased* 492 43702/12/2018 3:15:50 PM
1029260005 Added 420 38784/10/2017 8:48:41 PM
1347934005 Slot Score Reduced* -1 34583/9/2017 6:10:28 PM
1347934005 Added 421 34592/5/2016 6:08:44 PM
0159129007 Removed -165 30386/24/2015 8:32:08 PM
0977491001 Removed -825 32033/6/2014 10:07:16 PM
0977491001 Added 825 40283/3/2014 10:11:23 AM
1151504008 Added 770 32031/3/2014 11:51:57 AM
0053911004 Added 825 24339/18/2013 10:05:11 AM
0794024013 Removed -111 16087/31/2013 9:49:16 AM
Initial Score 1719 17191/5/2011 5:01:01 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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