CGC Registry

still the best

Set Type: Wolverine Limited Series (1982)
Owner: kringle
Last Modified: 1/22/2018
Views: 798

Rank: 13
Score: 2376
Leading by: 36
Points to Higher Rank: 9
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1043909014 Slot Score Increased* 440 23761/22/2018 4:04:50 PM
1043909005 Slot Score Increased* 440 19361/22/2018 4:04:09 PM
1043909002 Slot Score Increased* 440 14961/22/2018 4:03:15 PM
0766094001 Slot Score Increased* 616 10561/22/2018 4:02:43 PM
1043909002 Added 88 4405/13/2015 12:42:00 PM
1043909002 Slot Score Reduced* -88 3525/13/2015 12:33:17 PM
Initial Score 440 4401/24/2011 11:20:25 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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