CGC Registry

Civil War-Virginia Collection

Set Type: Civil War (2006)
Owner: PhilD
Last Modified: 4/6/2013
Views: 736

Rank: 54
Score: 523
Leading by: 11
Points to Higher Rank: 19
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0782873086 Slot Score Reduced* -1 5233/9/2017 6:16:45 PM
0766179006 Added 176 5243/30/2013 4:49:36 PM
0760118033 Removed -110 3489/27/2012 8:18:27 PM
0146646003 Removed -25 4589/23/2012 9:00:10 PM
0760118033 Added 110 4838/25/2012 5:00:54 PM
0146646002 Removed -30 3738/25/2012 5:00:53 PM
0760012008 Added 44 4032/21/2012 9:05:36 AM
0141532008 Added 150 3592/17/2012 1:24:49 PM
0774993003 Added 40 2092/14/2012 2:22:16 PM
0782873086 Added 39 1692/13/2012 2:28:56 PM
Initial Score 130 13012/13/2010 12:00:00 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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