CGC Registry

Mark's Avengers

Set Type: Avengers #1-#100
Owner: Mark Blair
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 654

Rank: 78
Score: 9045
Leading by: 130
Points to Higher Rank: 195
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1028049002 Slot Score Increased* 583 90454/25/2023 2:47:27 PM
0901174002 Slot Score Increased* 1520 84629/28/2021 12:44:48 PM
1028049002 Slot Score Increased* 167 69426/14/2021 1:19:31 PM
1028049002 Slot Score Increased* 200 67756/1/2021 4:15:07 PM
0901174002 Slot Score Increased* 120 65753/30/2020 11:38:06 AM
0901174002 Slot Score Increased* 160 64553/30/2020 11:37:40 AM
1076070003 Added 1125 62958/4/2019 9:08:36 PM
0901174002 Slot Score Increased* 320 517012/10/2015 11:01:03 AM
1095500003 Added 2400 48508/24/2013 11:14:32 PM
1028049002 Added 1050 24503/3/2012 2:20:21 PM
0901174002 Added 1400 14003/3/2012 2:20:19 PM
Initial Score 0 03/3/2012 2:19:35 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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