CGC Registry

Supergirl, Spectre and Black Orchid, Oh My!

Set Type: Adventure Comics #32-#503
Owner: seanfingh
Last Modified: 11/7/2017
Views: 970

Rank: 87
Score: 608
Leading by: 32
Points to Higher Rank: 5
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0710966006 Removed -315 60811/7/2017 10:55:51 AM
0145477005 Removed -135 9239/14/2011 1:19:58 PM
0778564016 Removed -135 10589/14/2011 1:19:45 PM
7900450044 Slot Score Increased* 5 11938/31/2011 5:30:28 PM
Initial Score 1188 11881/4/2011 12:31:18 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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