CGC Registry

Sdruman6- Doctor Strange

Set Type: Doctor Strange (1968)
Owner: sdruman6
Last Modified: 3/10/2024
Views: 549

Rank: 51
Score: 394
Leading by: 4
Points to Higher Rank: 24
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1306199004 Added 394 3943/10/2024 7:27:31 PM
1201487005 Removed -394 03/10/2024 7:27:31 PM
1201487005 Added 394 3943/10/2024 7:27:06 PM
1306199004 Removed -394 03/10/2024 7:27:06 PM
1306199004 Slot Score Increased* 226 39411/1/2021 11:59:38 AM
1306199004 Slot Score Reduced* -84 1681/29/2018 1:39:00 PM
1306199004 Slot Score Increased* 152 2521/29/2018 1:38:34 PM
1306199004 Added 100 1006/23/2015 8:46:07 AM
Initial Score 0 06/21/2015 3:55:07 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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