Indeed, the miraculous has been established, so testify! Some "new gods* and their Fury?" Some Jack Kirby? As Gomer Pyle would say, "Shazam!?!, We've got the beginnings of some Mister Miracle Love!" It takes some character building, and we'll all get along fine. I had higher hopes for some of these issues, but when not buying in hand, it can sometimes be detrimental to the grade in the corner. Still trying to buy some books, because the Story is a Different Take! Something new and keeping us guessing, what is next!?!
Mister Miracle was a part of the *New gods with Jack Kirby but does that make an appearance eventually? That is the Fury of what DC can bring to the forefront of media, as easy as saying SHAZAM!
Lord help the "mister" that comes between me and my Christmas, movies that is or so I'm told this 2024. I don't know how this hero got a formal title, but it works when it comes to the "Supernatural" escape artist and writings, be it that everyone is just trying to fasten or secure him, which is questionable too. These feats of intellectual strength still were good for the readers of the 1970's, if just to show that trickery could be in a more respectful, traditional, or upscale way too. Take that Mister! Miracle. Well, superheroes need some class as well, and maybe villains didn't get the memo to check keisters before lassoing people up, but the stories are really deeper than that with Big Barda and others. Who by the way may be easy to look at, and others, all while showing they can hold their own.