CGC Registry

Providence - Alan Moore´s homage to H.P. Lovecraft

Set Type: Providence (2015)
Owner: Sage121
Last Modified: 6/15/2018
Views: 292

Rank: 3
Score: 35
Leading by: N/A
Points to Higher Rank: 245

Set Description:

Hello and welcome to: PROVIDENCE - Alan Moore´s homage to H.P. Lovecraft.
Thanks for looking.

Alan Moore is one of my favorite comic book writers do to masterpieces like: Watchmen, V for Vendetta, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Batman: The Killing Joke.

Providence, and the prequels The Courtyard and Neonomicon, is Alan Moore´s latest masterpiece, heavily inspired by the works of J.P. Lovecraft, of whom I ( I am sorry to say ) know very little.
But I trusted Alan Moore and read Neonomicon, and that was awesome, so I was looking very much forward to Providence, and then some weird happened. I read Providence #1, and I was actually not very impressed, so I put it away, thinking: "I will just sell this at some point."

Two month passed, and somehow I could not get it out of my head, so I pulled it out again, read it, and again I put it away once more. Two-three months later, I could still not get it out of my head, so I read it again ( third time ) and this time I was amazed, and I had to read on. So I quickly got hold of issue 2-6, read them in one day ( in one go ) and realized: "this is a masterpiece! How could I not see that from the start?"

What can I say? The story just grew on me somehow. And then I remembered! That was Watchmen all over again. I also put that away after the first two issues, but picked it up again later and ending liking it so much, and now it is my favorite superhero story of all time. I guess the learning is: that sometimes it just take extra time to discover the true quality of things, but once you do, the experience is so much more rewarding.

So of course I backed the Kickstarter campaign, and here you go!

Enjoy your comics:)
Best regards - Sage121
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