CGC Registry

The Mistress of the Dark Beckons

Set Type: Elvira's House of Mystery (1986)
Owner: Tec-Tac-Toe
Last Modified: 6/16/2023
Views: 380

Rank: 1
Score: 672
Leading by: 291
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

Elvira welcomes you to her House of Mystery. The Mistress of the Dark is a gracious host.


This set presents the eleven issue run of DC Comic's Elvira's House of Mystery. In addition to the regular issues, DC also published Elvira's House of Mystery Special #1. Despite being a title that did not reach twelve issues; perhaps the "magic number" for a comic book series; unless you count the special issue, it is nevertheless a very enjoyable read with some great covers, including a nice back exterior cover on the first issue, and very nice interior art.

I purchased all issues of this series upon their release; multiples of each (more copies of some issues like 1 and 11) because this is the way I have always collected comic books and not because I ever thought they would be worth more than a few dollars, if that. All of my original owner copies are still raw.

As concerns this set, all of the copies presented in it were purchased CGC graded from various dealers and eBay.

As of Sunday, October 8, 2017, I have in this set issues one to ten. I plan to add issue eleven (issue eleven CGC 9.8, white pages was added on July 21, 2019) and the special issue (a CGC 9.8, white pages was added on December 24, 2019) in CGC graded 9.8, preferably with white pages.

Regarding white pages, I also plan to "upgrade" issue 5 (Done (in order of addition/ replacement of issues): first, issue 8 was replaced; followed by issue 6; than issues 3; issues 7 followed; and. lastly, issue 5) (a CGC graded 9.8 of issue 8, white pages, was added to this set on Friday, June 16, 2023; a CGC graded 9.8 of issue 6, white pages, was added to this set on Saturday, October 15, 2022; a CGC graded 9.8 of issue 3, white pages, was added to this set on Thursday, October 27, 2022; a CGC graded 9.8 of issue 7, white pages, was added to this set on Saturday, December 3, 2022; and a CGC graded 9.8 of issue 5, white pages, was added to this set on Friday, June 16, 2023); twenty-five percent of the issues currently in this set; to copies that have white pages. To repeat, all of the books in this set were purchased CGC graded.

I hope that you enjoy viewing this set; including my tongue in cheek issue description names and front cover impressions; as much as I am enjoying assembling it as I search high and low for a CGC graded 9.8 copy with white pages and perfect cover alignment of issue 5.

The Mistress beckons:

Set Goals:

I plan to obtain, hopefully in the near future, issue #11 (added July 21, 2019) and Elvira's House of Mystery Special #1 (added December 24, 2019) in CGC graded 9.8, preferably with white pages as well as copies with white pages and perfect cover alignment of issue 5 (a CGC graded 9.8 of issue 8, white pages, was added to this set on Friday, June 16, 2023; a CGC graded 9.8 of issue 6, white pages, was added to this set on Saturday, October 15, 2022; a CGC graded 9.8 of issue 3, white pages, was added to this set on Thursday, October 27, 2022; a CGC graded 9.8 of issue 7, white pages, was added to this set on Saturday, December 3, 2022; and a CGC graded 9.8 of issue 5, white pages, was added to this set on Friday, June 16, 2023).

All issues in this set are CGC graded 9.8 copies and have white pages!

The Mistress (in monochrome):

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