CGC Registry

Black Terror Rules!

Set Type: Black Terror
Owner: telerites
Last Modified: 8/8/2014
Views: 768

Rank: 1
Score: 4288
Leading by: 3325
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

Almost complete CGC run of Black Terror's own title. At this writing, I am missing only issue to complete this set and most have been slabbed with some still raw. Perhaps the most noted of all of Nedor's (I know I shouldn't refer to this and other series as only Nedor but do so simplicity sake) heroes as he has gained present-day popularity through several titles among different publishers.

The Black Terror was Bob Benton, a pharmacist, who through some experiments created "Formic Ethers" by mistake which he inhaled. He gained Super Strength and Invulnerability. A stand-up sort of guy, Bob decided to do something he'd always day-dreamed about and use his strength to fight crime and evil. His young assistant, Tim Roland, decided to inhale the same vapors. Bob became the Black Terror and along with Tim were known as the Terror Twins.

I consider BT's costume to be one of the best of the Golden Age and the series was fairly high quality with Schomburg covers and Mort Meshkin and Jerry Robninson artwork in the latter issues. These two creators also shared their talents in the Fiighting Yank series.

My goal is to complete runs of all the major Nedor, Better, Standard titles which includes: America's Best Comics, Black Terror, Exciting, Fighting Yank, Startling, Thrilling and Wonder Comics.
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