CGC Registry


Set Type: Walking Dead (2003) Swedish Editions
Owner: StephenWA
Last Modified: 8/13/2022
Views: 164

Rank: 1
Score: 13
Leading by: 10
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

Welcome to my 2x award-winning Swedish 'The Walking Dead' comic set, published by Apart Forlag

I just love the AMC The Walking Dead (TWD) TV show. In May 2017, I visited the show's Season 1, Episode 1 Days Gone Bye set at Walton and Forsyth in downtown Atlanta GA where the 'Rick/walkers/tank' final scene was filmed.

In August 2019, I went to see the Charlie Adlard comic art exhibition Drawn of the Dead, held at Shrewsbury Museum, UK. The photograph below shows me at the entrance to the exhibition.

Since then, I have been to lots of the TWD and FTWD filming sets located around Senoia GA and Austin TX.

Walton and Forsyth Drawn of the Dead

The Comics

Now I have collected every The Walking Dead comic printed in English language, including First, Second and Third printings, Variants, Anniversary editions and all of the Convention and Expo editions, I have started collecting foreign language editions as an aside to my main collection. Please look at my Just Love the Walking Dead set here for full details of my multiple CGC award-winning TWD collections in English and other languages.

For several years, I have been building my CGC-graded TWD collections in foreign languages. Over time, I will work with CGC to add the sets that are not presently in the Registry.

This set comprises thirteen (13) comics in total. Regular TWD issues 1-24 were printed in pairs, and there was also a GameStop Edition of issue #1-2.

My aim is to collect all of these comics either graded at 9.8 or in Signature Series.

Signature Series

I have always liked collecting autographs, and so far, I have one signed comic in this set:

• Robert Kirkman - TWD creator and writer.

Set notes

Note #1:
This was the first CGC Registry set for this series. It was created on 13th August 2022, and I was the first to be ranked #1.

Note #2:
On 21st July 2023, it won the first CGC Best Set award (one of seven CGC awards I received that day, and 25 in total)
On 26th July 2024, it won the second CGC Best Set award (one of nine CGC awards I received that day, and 34 in total).

Note #3:
This set received its 100th viewing on 8th July 2024 - thank you for looking :-)

comic_category_sm Set Typecomic_category_sm Set Type

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