CGC Registry

Mandalorian Sig Series Set

Set Type: Star Wars: The Mandalorian (2022) All Variants
Owner: Alex DeLape
Last Modified: 8/12/2024
Views: 101

Rank: 5
Score: 509
Leading by: 149
Points to Higher Rank: 1013

Set Description:

I am currently trying to put together a complete Signature Series set for the Mandalorian. Over time, Signature Series is something I have seen that makes a collection more unique, and involves meeting creators along the way when getting signatures. Star Wars comics have meant the most to me by getting me back into comics, and this is one of the titles that I have enjoyed putting together.

The details so far:

8- different comic artists signed covers

2- comics signed by actors (both copies being their first appearance issue or first cover appearance.)

12 total signed CGC SS 9.8 copies

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