CGC Registry

Long Live The King!

Set Type: Godzilla (1977)
Owner: Jordysnordy
Last Modified: 5/8/2024
Views: 2027

Rank: 1
Score: 2220
Leading by: 137
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

Godzilla # 2 was the 1st comic I ever read as a child. I remember being at a friend's house and he had issue 2. I was hooked right away and wanted to take the book home so badly. My friend's mom let me take it home. Believe it or not I still have that book. Sure it's beaten up now but I still cherish it. This book ignited my love for comics and led me to try and get the # 1 Godzilla set in the registry. It took a few years but I was finally able to complete it and get to # 1.
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