CGC Registry

Pressem's TWD Set

Set Type: Walking Dead (2003 Complete with Variants) LEGACY
Owner: Pressemm1
Last Modified: 11/3/2022
Views: 644

Rank: 45
Score: 12874
Leading by: 387
Points to Higher Rank: 4

Set Description:

Been collecting TWD since around #10 or #11, sold a bunch when the tv series came out as it would have been irresponsible of me not cashing in on the gravy train with #1 through #20. Still have ungraded #21 through current and many variants, all kept in hard plastic clamshells, and actually sending them in trying for 9.8s. Also, saved my CGCs though, as included in this set. Owner of 1 of 16 TWD #2 second print CGC 9.8, had for roughly 10 years. Collected TWD before it was popular!!

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