CGC Registry


Set Type: Thanos Master Set (Specialized) Any Variant
Owner: JBthePharmacist
Last Modified: 10/20/2024
Views: 1159

Rank: 2
Score: 35159
Leading by: 16877
Points to Higher Rank: 1662

Set Description:

Just as Thanos collected the Infinity Stones; so too have we put together every appearance of Thanos, the Mad God of Titan. As It Was Again pays homage to this story and to Jim Starlin’s creation, one of the biggest villains in modern times. {As well as one of my favorite pinball games of all time} (See pic in gallery of Iron Man #55)
Avengers End Game was a cultural phenomena the likes of which may never be seen again due to COVID.
This set covers every appearance from Thanos’ very first appearance in Iron Man #55 all the way until 2020. Each book is at least 9.4 or better, while most are 9.8. There are a few issues still being finalized, but this is still the most complete collection ever complied. As of writing this we are at 95% competition!

From his early years fighting Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Silver Surfer and the Avengers, then later proving his love for Lady Death by killing half the universe with a snap of his fingers, this malthusian malfeasant has played a key role in the Marvel Universe(s). Bad guy or not, Thanos will forever be known as one of the biggest characters in the history of Marvel.

There are many 1st appearances and deaths in this storyline. Besides Thanos himself, you also meet Drax the Destroyer, Starfox, …and more recently Cosmic Ghost Rider***

You also see the death of several key characters, Captain Marvel, Ole Purp’ kicking the bucket…a few times, like half of everyone that one time, ….. ***

Most books are HIGHEST GRADED and many are extremely rare.

This collection has culminated over years of great effort and substantial monetary and time inputs. I have to give a HUGE “THANK YOU” to DJPinkPanther. Couldn’t have done it without you brother.
Also, mad respect to JoeyPost, and much thanks for all your help as well!
To Jim Starlin and everyone who wrote, inked, lettered, drew, etc… Thank you!
TO MR. STAN LEE and to all you loyal Marvel Readers out there, EXCELSIOR!

**under construction*** we are still building. Hopefully we will start updating our gallery soon. If you see any upgrades you could make to the set please contact me.
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