CGC Registry

Earlier Iron Man

Set Type: Iron Man #1-#100
Owner: The Toastmaker
Last Modified: 2/23/2022
Views: 293

Rank: 52
Score: 4308
Leading by: 108
Points to Higher Rank: 216
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0107444009 Slot Score Increased* 342 43082/23/2022 9:57:08 AM
0042309004 Slot Score Increased* 500 396611/1/2021 12:53:23 PM
0107444009 Slot Score Increased* 700 34669/25/2018 3:31:01 PM
0107444009 Added 600 27666/25/2016 9:49:59 AM
0100329002 Added 100 21666/25/2016 9:49:59 AM
0115280012 Added 203 20666/25/2016 9:49:59 AM
0023595003 Added 203 18636/25/2016 9:49:59 AM
0109405004 Added 495 16606/25/2016 9:49:59 AM
0109405003 Added 265 11656/25/2016 9:49:59 AM
0042309004 Added 900 9006/25/2016 9:49:59 AM
Initial Score 0 06/25/2016 9:49:30 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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