CGC Registry

Crazy's Avengers

Set Type: Avengers #1-#100
Owner: Crazy Canuck
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 107

Rank: 221
Score: 1458
Leading by: 51
Points to Higher Rank: 22
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
2106878001 Slot Score Increased* 97 14584/25/2023 2:48:37 PM
3811560002 Added 45 13612/7/2022 8:59:50 PM
2106878001 Slot Score Increased* 83 131611/1/2021 11:25:16 AM
2070306012 Slot Score Increased* 427 12339/28/2021 12:44:48 PM
0315106010 Slot Score Increased* 70 8065/11/2021 3:24:44 PM
0315106010 Added 73 73612/19/2020 3:09:18 PM
0315106010 Removed -73 66312/19/2020 3:09:17 PM
2106878001 Added 100 73612/19/2020 3:09:17 PM
2106878001 Removed -100 63612/19/2020 3:09:17 PM
0315106010 Added 73 73612/19/2020 3:09:02 PM
2106878001 Added 100 66312/19/2020 3:09:02 PM
2070306012 Added 563 56310/5/2020 10:21:39 AM
Initial Score 0 010/5/2020 10:08:22 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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