CGC Registry

What Avengers?

Set Type: Avengers #1-#250
Owner: MatterEaterLad
Last Modified: 10/29/2023
Views: 186

Rank: 57
Score: 7265
Leading by: 105
Points to Higher Rank: 237
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
4225225002 Added 75 726510/29/2023 11:02:07 PM
3876312001 Slot Score Increased* 2850 71909/28/2021 12:44:48 PM
3876312001 Added 3750 43407/20/2021 7:24:20 PM
0221285018 Added 75 5907/18/2021 7:55:14 PM
1252349005 Added 125 5157/18/2021 7:55:13 PM
1209361015 Added 390 3907/18/2021 7:55:12 PM
Initial Score 0 07/18/2021 7:54:12 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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