CGC Registry

A Squeeeee... for Valiant!

Set Type: Valiant Pre-Unity (Specialized)
Owner: whetteon
Last Modified: 9/19/2023
Views: 1399

Rank: 26
Score: 2885
Leading by: 185
Points to Higher Rank: 45
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0951795007 Removed -25 28859/19/2023 5:31:14 AM
1073753002 Slot Score Increased* 60 29105/11/2018 3:16:37 PM
0197676007 Added 20 28504/4/2013 10:48:51 PM
1073753002 Added 315 28303/24/2013 12:07:09 PM
1144785002 Added 110 251510/1/2012 9:58:15 PM
0147984003 Added 15 24055/7/2012 11:43:57 AM
0951795007 Added 25 23904/22/2012 7:44:53 PM
0147984002 Added 25 23654/22/2012 7:44:29 PM
0144703022 Removed -15 23404/22/2012 7:27:52 PM
Initial Score 2355 23551/19/2011 2:01:11 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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