CGC Registry

Barry Windsor-Smith's classic Conan run

Set Type: Conan the Barbarian #1-#24
Owner: Erekose
Last Modified: 10/6/2021
Views: 798

Rank: 28
Score: 9925
Leading by: 6
Points to Higher Rank: 998
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0070816010 Slot Score Increased* 1375 875010/6/2021 11:50:42 AM
0779010013 Removed -500 73751/28/2014 9:09:31 AM
0743682001 Removed -675 78751/28/2014 9:09:31 AM
0110011043 Slot Score Increased* 50 85508/27/2012 1:04:13 PM
0000943003 Slot Score Reduced* -75 85008/27/2012 1:04:12 PM
1059205012 Slot Score Increased* 25 85758/27/2012 1:04:12 PM
0743682001 Slot Score Increased* 50 85508/27/2012 1:04:11 PM
0002310029 Slot Score Increased* 25 85008/27/2012 1:04:10 PM
0070816010 Slot Score Increased* 875 84758/27/2012 1:04:10 PM
0936957001 Slot Score Increased* 25 76008/27/2012 1:04:10 PM
0908559010 Slot Score Increased* 25 75758/27/2012 1:04:07 PM
0779010003 Slot Score Increased* 25 75508/27/2012 1:04:06 PM
0779010013 Slot Score Increased* 25 75258/27/2012 1:04:05 PM
0993162009 Slot Score Increased* 25 75008/27/2012 1:04:04 PM
1059205012 Added 450 747511/24/2011 6:00:18 PM
0000943003 Added 1500 702511/24/2011 6:00:17 PM
Initial Score 5525 55256/11/2011 5:12:18 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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