CGC Registry


Set Type: Fantastic Four (1961) Silver Age
Owner: Captain Marvel
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 1257

Rank: 60
Score: 25883
Leading by: 336
Points to Higher Rank: 1001
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0106731005 Slot Score Increased* 22 251224/25/2023 4:35:32 PM
0047267002 Slot Score Increased* 1855 251004/18/2023 4:06:13 PM
0101320001 Slot Score Increased* 2667 232454/18/2023 3:27:40 PM
0077883002 Slot Score Reduced* -23 2057811/1/2021 12:06:00 PM
0077883002 Slot Score Reduced* -23 2060111/1/2021 12:05:56 PM
0077883002 Slot Score Reduced* -350 2062411/1/2021 12:04:36 PM
0077883002 Slot Score Increased* 576 2097411/1/2021 12:03:19 PM
0051409002 Slot Score Increased* 185 203985/11/2021 4:00:33 PM
0047267002 Slot Score Increased* 735 202132/4/2020 11:12:29 AM
0077883002 Slot Score Increased* 8 194789/10/2018 1:59:36 PM
0077883002 Slot Score Increased* 69 194706/15/2018 9:25:49 AM
0077883002 Slot Score Reduced* -34 194016/15/2018 9:24:29 AM
0077883002 Slot Score Increased* 34 194356/15/2018 9:19:45 AM
0101320001 Slot Score Increased* 7000 194013/14/2018 3:33:47 PM
0077883003 Removed -96 124011/28/2014 11:16:50 AM
0051409002 Removed -665 124971/28/2014 11:16:50 AM
Initial Score 13162 131621/19/2011 2:17:03 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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