CGC Registry

BE Fantastic Four

Set Type: Fantastic Four (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: beckfeld
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 704

Rank: 89
Score: 15571
Leading by: 235
Points to Higher Rank: 57
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1092630002 Slot Score Increased* 193 155714/25/2023 4:43:53 PM
0214498003 Slot Score Increased* 356 153784/18/2023 4:07:15 PM
1197940001 Slot Score Increased* 2120 150224/18/2023 4:06:13 PM
1290897002 Slot Score Increased* 1333 129024/18/2023 3:27:40 PM
1198153005 Removed -225 115692/26/2022 3:24:25 PM
0214498002 Removed -439 117942/26/2022 3:24:24 PM
0126263002 Removed -60 122332/26/2022 3:24:24 PM
1201100003 Slot Score Increased* 27 122932/15/2022 2:56:15 PM
1201100003 Slot Score Increased* 104 122662/15/2022 2:53:34 PM
0214498005 Slot Score Increased* 550 121629/28/2021 11:54:12 AM
0214498005 Slot Score Increased* 150 116125/15/2021 2:17:55 PM
1197940001 Slot Score Increased* 840 114622/4/2020 11:12:29 AM
1197959002 Slot Score Increased* 36 106221/14/2020 12:32:13 PM
0214498005 Slot Score Increased* 70 105861/14/2020 12:24:09 PM
1198153005 Slot Score Increased* 150 105163/14/2018 4:41:20 PM
1290897002 Slot Score Increased* 3500 103663/14/2018 3:33:47 PM
0214498003 Slot Score Increased* 288 68662/12/2018 1:40:49 PM
0214498005 Slot Score Increased* 90 65782/12/2018 1:39:07 PM
0214498003 Added 156 64886/1/2015 2:00:38 PM
1197959002 Added 32 64886/1/2015 2:00:38 PM
1197959002 Slot Score Reduced* -21 63006/1/2015 2:00:38 PM
0214498003 Slot Score Reduced* -78 63216/1/2015 2:00:37 PM
1290897002 Added 3500 639912/28/2014 10:39:59 PM
1197959002 Added 21 289910/27/2014 7:54:01 PM
0214498005 Added 140 287810/27/2014 7:54:01 PM
1201100003 Added 96 273810/27/2014 7:54:00 PM
0236085014 Added 720 26429/26/2014 3:23:39 PM
1092630002 Added 140 19226/2/2014 11:00:29 PM
1198153005 Added 75 6822/1/2014 12:23:31 AM
0214498005 Removed -140 6072/1/2014 12:22:44 AM
1197940001 Removed -1040 7471/28/2014 11:14:52 AM
1197959002 Removed -21 17871/28/2014 11:14:18 AM
0126263002 Removed -60 18081/28/2014 11:14:18 AM
1197959001 Removed -60 18681/28/2014 11:14:18 AM
1197959002 Added 21 19281/4/2014 9:54:51 PM
1197959001 Added 60 19071/4/2014 9:54:50 PM
1197940001 Added 1040 184710/20/2013 1:32:14 AM
0126263002 Added 60 8077/8/2013 10:20:20 PM
0214498003 Added 78 7477/8/2013 10:19:57 PM
0126263002 Removed -60 6697/8/2013 10:18:55 PM
0214498005 Added 140 7297/8/2013 10:18:54 PM
0214498002 Added 439 5897/8/2013 10:17:47 PM
Initial Score 150 1505/25/2011 9:57:35 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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