CGC Registry

The Danger Girl Shrine

Set Type: Danger Girl Limited Series & One-Shots
Owner: Neurosis138
Last Modified: 5/11/2018
Views: 1044

Rank: 6
Score: 1408
Leading by: 37
Points to Higher Rank: 43
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0973872008 Slot Score Increased* 1 14085/11/2018 1:01:35 PM
0973872007 Removed -70 140711/16/2017 5:13:29 PM
0973872008 Slot Score Reduced* -1 14773/9/2017 6:28:30 PM
0973872011 Slot Score Reduced* -1 14783/9/2017 6:04:07 PM
0955767010 Removed -44 14797/20/2015 1:08:05 PM
0955767001 Removed -44 15237/20/2015 9:59:30 AM
0955767002 Removed -53 15677/20/2015 9:46:46 AM
Initial Score 2016 20165/23/2009 9:05:43 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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