CGC Registry

Triskelion's Secret Invasions

Set Type: Secret Invasion (2008) All Variants
Owner: Triskelion
Last Modified: 1/10/2020
Views: 767

Rank: 4
Score: 1387
Leading by: 275
Points to Higher Rank: 375
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0152858025 Added 40 13871/10/2020 3:12:49 PM
2053392022 Added 32 134712/28/2019 5:33:37 PM
0938821033 Added 40 131512/28/2019 5:33:36 PM
0971422039 Slot Score Reduced* -1 13073/9/2017 6:26:55 PM
0971422034 Slot Score Reduced* -1 13083/9/2017 6:14:32 PM
0985785002 Slot Score Reduced* -1 13093/9/2017 6:07:07 PM
0960391089 Slot Score Reduced* -1 13103/9/2017 6:06:57 PM
0985785010 Slot Score Reduced* -1 13113/9/2017 6:04:48 PM
Initial Score 1312 13125/23/2011 12:13:22 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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