CGC Registry

P Dot's Batmen 201-300

Set Type: Batman #201-#300
Owner: lpersky
Last Modified: 4/18/2023
Views: 606

Rank: 37
Score: 5620
Leading by: 620
Points to Higher Rank: 97
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1364743002 Slot Score Increased* 368 56204/18/2023 4:29:21 PM
1558679002 Slot Score Increased* 450 52524/18/2023 4:28:01 PM
1558679002 Slot Score Reduced* -226 48022/12/2018 11:51:04 AM
1364743004 Slot Score Increased* 600 50281/31/2018 11:51:01 AM
1558679002 Added 976 44288/19/2017 2:09:37 AM
1364743004 Added 2400 34525/1/2017 1:29:13 AM
1364743003 Added 750 10525/1/2017 1:29:12 AM
1364743002 Added 302 3025/1/2017 1:29:11 AM
1253237003 Removed -480 05/1/2017 1:27:36 AM
1253237002 Removed -26 4805/1/2017 1:27:03 AM
1253237002 Slot Score Reduced* -1 5063/9/2017 6:09:38 PM
1253237003 Added 480 5072/16/2016 8:46:56 AM
1253237003 Slot Score Reduced* -320 272/16/2016 8:45:16 AM
1253237003 Added 320 3474/17/2015 10:10:41 AM
1253237002 Added 27 274/17/2015 10:10:40 AM
0167848003 Removed -274 2749/17/2014 10:29:15 AM
Initial Score 274 2744/19/2011 1:09:42 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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