CGC Registry

Green River Pedigree Annuals (Unpressed)

Set Type: Marvel Annuals (1962-1982)
Owner: Red Hook
Last Modified: 5/14/2021
Views: 937

Rank: 21
Score: 2468
Leading by: 62
Points to Higher Rank: 177
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0084093002 Slot Score Increased* 113 24685/14/2021 1:23:15 PM
0716394001 Slot Score Increased* 315 23551/5/2021 4:50:52 PM
0716394001 Slot Score Increased* 630 20401/13/2020 5:23:15 PM
0716394001 Slot Score Increased* 231 14103/14/2018 4:38:35 PM
0032822016 Removed -270 11792/10/2017 9:22:11 AM
0716394001 Slot Score Increased* 49 144910/22/2014 3:14:42 PM
0158303010 Added 70 14005/8/2013 11:03:12 AM
0158303010 Slot Score Reduced* -67 13305/8/2013 11:02:46 AM
0158303010 Added 67 13975/8/2013 10:35:05 AM
0158303010 Slot Score Reduced* -50 13305/8/2013 10:34:27 AM
Initial Score 1380 13801/14/2011 10:42:56 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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