CGC Registry

Maloney's Hulk collection

Set Type: Incredible Hulk (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: maloney414
Last Modified: 2/15/2022
Views: 645

Rank: 40
Score: 6692
Leading by: 235
Points to Higher Rank: 402
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0113913011 Slot Score Increased* 10 66922/15/2022 3:16:46 PM
0171558008 Slot Score Increased* 342 66829/28/2021 11:39:34 AM
0171558008 Slot Score Increased* 113 63405/15/2021 2:14:24 PM
0171558008 Slot Score Increased* 435 62275/11/2021 4:40:55 PM
0145471002 Slot Score Increased* 3636 57922/12/2018 1:48:55 PM
0113913011 Added 45 21562/15/2016 2:00:25 PM
0113913011 Slot Score Reduced* -80 21112/15/2016 2:00:25 PM
0113913011 Added 80 21912/15/2016 10:00:44 AM
0113913011 Slot Score Reduced* -64 21112/15/2016 10:00:44 AM
0145471002 Slot Score Increased* 258 21752/11/2016 1:01:12 PM
Initial Score 1917 19172/15/2011 3:12:01 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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