CGC Registry

Larry Adventure

Set Type: Adventure Comics #32-#503
Owner: Larry Snyder
Last Modified: 5/15/2021
Views: 553

Rank: 32
Score: 3930
Leading by: 150
Points to Higher Rank: 183
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1125754005 Slot Score Increased* 588 39305/15/2021 3:17:32 PM
1225945001 Slot Score Increased* 1500 33421/17/2020 5:21:21 PM
0163215002 Slot Score Reduced* -160 184210/31/2019 4:00:45 PM
1125754005 Slot Score Reduced* -378 200210/31/2019 4:00:33 PM
1225945001 Slot Score Reduced* -1836 238010/31/2019 4:00:33 PM
1225945001 Slot Score Increased* 1486 42162/27/2018 11:22:07 AM
1225945001 Added 1350 27306/21/2017 6:55:52 PM
1225945001 Removed -1350 13806/21/2017 6:55:51 PM
1225945001 Added 1350 27306/21/2017 6:55:11 PM
0163215002 Added 960 13808/3/2014 2:56:26 PM
1125754005 Added 420 4203/21/2013 11:47:45 PM
0166179008 Removed -120 1203/21/2013 11:45:50 PM
0174301002 Removed -389 12012/29/2012 9:06:06 PM
0166179008 Added 120 5092/13/2012 4:23:49 PM
0174301002 Added 389 3892/13/2012 4:20:49 PM
Initial Score 0 02/13/2012 4:20:57 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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