CGC Registry

Moon over My Crazed MPS sociopath

Set Type: Moon Knight (Master Set) LEGACY
Owner: TheUrologist1
Last Modified: 3/27/2022
Views: 390

Rank: 10
Score: 12167
Leading by: 854
Points to Higher Rank: 1374
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1126750019 Added 267 121673/27/2022 3:06:06 AM
1416811009 Added 180 119003/27/2022 3:06:06 AM
1105205015 Removed -100 117203/27/2022 3:06:06 AM
0261471004 Added 120 118203/27/2022 3:06:06 AM
1208060022 Added 600 117003/27/2022 3:06:05 AM
0763609002 Removed -84 111003/27/2022 3:06:05 AM
1126758012 Added 11000 111843/27/2022 3:06:05 AM
0930763010 Removed -2457 1843/27/2022 3:06:05 AM
0930763010 Slot Score Increased* 1536 264111/1/2021 2:52:42 PM
0763609002 Slot Score Increased* 48 11055/15/2021 2:02:06 PM
0930763010 Slot Score Increased* 251 105712/3/2019 5:17:05 PM
0930763010 Slot Score Increased* 546 8061/29/2018 3:15:09 PM
0763609002 Added 36 2605/21/2012 6:01:44 PM
0930763010 Added 124 2245/21/2012 6:01:44 PM
1105205015 Added 100 1005/21/2012 6:01:40 PM
Initial Score 0 05/21/2012 6:02:00 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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