CGC Registry

Khoo's Early Golden's

Set Type: Golden Age Hitler Covers
Owner: khoo75
Last Modified: 12/24/2013
Views: 798

Rank: 2
Score: 17199
Leading by: 1779
Points to Higher Rank: 35498
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1110964007 Removed -4485 1719912/24/2013 11:14:19 AM
0916919002 Removed -3977 2168412/24/2013 11:14:19 AM
1110964007 Slot Score Increased* 1085 256615/29/2013 12:12:32 PM
0916919002 Slot Score Increased* 918 245765/29/2013 12:12:31 PM
0701107001 Slot Score Increased* 3969 236585/29/2013 12:12:31 PM
1110964007 Added 3400 1968911/27/2012 10:16:54 PM
0916919002 Added 3059 162898/26/2012 9:17:19 PM
0701107001 Added 13230 132308/26/2012 9:17:19 PM
Initial Score 0 08/3/2012 10:29:31 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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