CGC Registry

X-Men CGC.

Set Type: X-Men (Complete Including Variants) LEGACY
Owner: TheJohns
Last Modified: 11/1/2021
Views: 389

Rank: 117
Score: 4983
Leading by: 63
Points to Higher Rank: 173
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0187260007 Slot Score Increased* 1333 498311/1/2021 3:07:45 PM
0187260007 Slot Score Increased* 565 36505/12/2021 1:28:38 PM
0086718001 Slot Score Reduced* -50 30859/1/2015 3:05:02 PM
0615156004 Slot Score Reduced* -36 31359/1/2015 3:04:55 PM
0086718002 Slot Score Reduced* -75 31719/1/2015 3:04:55 PM
0187260007 Slot Score Reduced* -165 32469/1/2015 3:01:39 PM
0195059014 Slot Score Reduced* -49 34119/1/2015 3:01:34 PM
0615156006 Added 60 34604/2/2013 10:12:54 PM
0977514094 Added 80 34004/2/2013 10:11:50 PM
0615156005 Added 50 33204/2/2013 10:11:49 PM
0086718002 Added 500 32704/2/2013 10:11:47 PM
0086718001 Added 350 27704/2/2013 10:11:45 PM
0615156004 Added 240 24204/2/2013 10:11:44 PM
0195059014 Added 330 21804/2/2013 10:09:10 PM
0187260007 Added 1100 18504/2/2013 10:09:08 PM
1102686006 Added 750 7504/2/2013 10:09:06 PM
Initial Score 0 04/2/2013 10:08:27 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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