CGC Registry

OGJackster Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Set Type: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1-#4 Any Variant (Specialized)
Last Modified: 5/15/2021
Views: 627

Rank: 50
Score: 4234
Leading by: 264
Points to Higher Rank: 1014
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0792219001 Slot Score Increased* 1837 42345/15/2021 3:23:20 PM
0231619005 Slot Score Increased* 250 23971/5/2021 4:30:08 PM
0231619004 Slot Score Increased* 475 21471/5/2021 4:28:32 PM
0231619005 Slot Score Increased* 150 167210/9/2020 4:46:12 PM
0792219001 Slot Score Increased* 158 152210/9/2020 3:58:24 PM
0792219001 Slot Score Increased* 315 13642/12/2018 2:12:56 PM
0792219001 Slot Score Increased* 241 10492/12/2018 2:09:57 PM
0792219001 Slot Score Increased* 137 80810/3/2014 9:09:35 AM
0231619005 Added 150 6716/16/2014 9:26:18 PM
0231619004 Added 225 5216/16/2014 9:26:18 PM
0231619003 Added 44 2966/16/2014 9:26:17 PM
0792219001 Added 252 25211/30/2012 2:27:51 PM
0792219001 Slot Score Reduced* -280 011/30/2012 2:12:34 PM
0792219001 Slot Score Increased* 248 2805/2/2012 11:55:22 AM
0792219001 Slot Score Reduced* -10 325/2/2012 9:23:37 AM
0792219001 Slot Score Reduced* -238 425/2/2012 9:19:08 AM
Initial Score 280 28010/19/2010 4:04:47 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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