CGC Registry

Hot Stuff CGC

Set Type: Hot Stuff (1957)
Owner: Sekowskyfan10
Last Modified: 8/27/2015
Views: 444

Rank: 9
Score: 755
Leading by: 400
Points to Higher Rank: 1405
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0081147001 Added 80 7558/27/2015 11:39:36 PM
0910107006 Added 200 6755/13/2015 1:49:02 AM
0910107006 Removed -200 4755/13/2015 1:49:01 AM
0079845014 Added 150 6755/13/2015 1:49:01 AM
0079845014 Removed -150 5255/13/2015 1:49:01 AM
0910107006 Added 200 6755/13/2015 1:47:47 AM
0079845014 Added 150 4755/13/2015 1:47:47 AM
0916149018 Added 150 32511/30/2014 8:47:51 PM
0912486007 Added 175 17511/23/2013 9:14:28 PM
Initial Score 0 011/23/2013 9:13:43 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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