CGC Registry

1st Avengers

Set Type: Avengers #1-#503
Owner: 9.8
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 443

Rank: 68
Score: 4066
Leading by: 18
Points to Higher Rank: 37
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1201186005 Slot Score Increased* 308 40664/25/2023 2:51:07 PM
1337945011 Slot Score Increased* 100 37582/15/2022 11:36:04 AM
0284566014 Slot Score Increased* 258 365811/1/2021 11:30:06 AM
1169606011 Slot Score Increased* 150 34006/1/2021 4:21:51 PM
0988380014 Slot Score Increased* 130 32505/11/2021 3:32:59 PM
0233351026 Slot Score Increased* 400 31204/19/2021 12:10:56 PM
0233351026 Slot Score Increased* 400 27204/5/2021 4:27:56 PM
1201186005 Slot Score Increased* 8 23202/4/2020 10:46:08 AM
1201186005 Slot Score Increased* 112 23122/4/2020 10:45:53 AM
1396720009 Added 840 22007/20/2019 6:58:53 PM
1346346010 Added 300 13606/26/2019 9:54:54 PM
0988380014 Added 70 10606/21/2019 6:03:55 PM
0988380014 Removed -70 9906/21/2019 6:03:35 PM
0988380014 Added 70 10606/21/2019 6:02:29 PM
0988380014 Removed -70 9906/21/2019 6:02:28 PM
0988380014 Added 70 10606/21/2019 6:01:55 PM
0988380014 Removed -70 9906/21/2019 6:01:55 PM
0988380014 Added 70 10606/21/2019 6:01:27 PM
0284566014 Added 75 9906/21/2019 6:00:23 PM
1571338007 Added 35 9156/19/2019 5:25:31 PM
0292591030 Added 125 88011/19/2016 4:40:29 PM
1201186005 Added 105 7551/15/2016 5:08:15 PM
1337945011 Added 100 6509/24/2015 9:53:59 PM
1339803006 Added 100 5509/6/2015 11:34:01 AM
1169606011 Added 50 45011/15/2014 2:50:35 PM
0233351026 Added 400 4008/23/2014 1:42:57 PM
Initial Score 0 08/23/2014 1:42:09 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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