CGC Registry

Where did the first set type go?

Set Type: Mutant Massacre
Owner: ChairmanOhm
Last Modified: 5/30/2015
Views: 403

Rank: 8
Score: 871
Leading by: 148
Points to Higher Rank: 34
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0162499006 Added 35 8715/30/2015 6:07:27 PM
0223842001 Removed -20 8365/30/2015 6:06:58 PM
1056872012 Added 32 8565/28/2015 1:46:00 AM
0180142011 Added 25 8245/28/2015 1:46:00 AM
0153112005 Added 35 7995/28/2015 1:46:00 AM
0223842001 Added 20 7645/28/2015 1:46:00 AM
0977312011 Added 64 7445/28/2015 1:46:00 AM
0221327024 Added 240 6805/28/2015 1:46:00 AM
0984768008 Added 240 4405/28/2015 1:46:00 AM
0977146026 Added 200 2005/28/2015 1:46:00 AM
Initial Score 0 05/28/2015 1:45:53 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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