CGC Registry

Girl U Want

Set Type: Tank Girl
Owner: troydivision1
Last Modified: 11/23/2018
Views: 421

Award Time Rank: 1
Award Time Score: 309

Set Description

Sometime around the Christmas of 1991 was the first time I became aware of Tank Girl. I saw a cardboard cut-out of the '40 Watt Club' pin-up displayed in the window of Bam! Comics in North Miami. Something clicked and I was 'hooked'. I had to know who this 'Tank Girl' was. So, I set about buying the issues from the recently released Dark Horse series. I didn't understand a lot of the Tank Girl stories. The characters 'talked' funny and a majority of the jokes flew over my head. Most references were to things I had never heard of - celebrities, music, events, locations - It felt important because it was British and written by guys who were older than me, but still young enough to not be 'old'. Questions ran through my head - Why does the version of Tank Girl in #1 look different than the image I saw in the window? Why was she only in black & white? Someone should color her in. I should color her in. (disaster) Being that I only had access to the (4) issues of Series 1 for almost two years, I read them over and over. Good times. They eventually began to 'make sense' to me. By the Summer of 1993, I was eager for her return to comics with Tank Girl 2. *History lesson : a LOT changed between 1991 - 1993.* Presidents (Bush to Clinton). 'Alternative' Music (Nirvana / Nine Inch Nails). Style (grunge / 'punk'). Raves / electionic dance music became common stateside. Tank Girl had more buzz this time around and the new series got prerelease mentions in Wizard and Spin. Series 2 featured a few changes. Color being one of them. New hair styles. Hewlett & Martin breaking the 4th(?) wall and appearing in a strip. Thusly, some of strips became meta discussions about fans / fame / the comic industry. Sadly, it would also mark the last comic series featuring the collaboration of creators Hewlett & Martin. ********** The title of this registry set is a reference to the opening title song to the Tank Girl movie. 'Girl U Want' by Devo: Yes, they made a Tank Girl movie. No, it was not good. ********** Rather than post a back cover photo I have chosen to feature my favorite pin-ups or favorite pages. Within each comic's description I have written as to why the particular image was selected. (spoiler : they may not be from the specific issue)

comic_presented_sm 2019
Slot DescriptionThe Comics Registry IDComic GradeScore Updated
Tank Girl 1 1236762001 9.6 22 1/15/2015
Tank Girl 2 1236760005 9.8 32 12/24/2014
Tank Girl 3 0215662007 9.6 20 1/20/2014
Tank Girl 4 0225252004 9.8 32 1/20/2014
Tank Girl 2 #1 0227339003 9.8 32 6/2/2014
Tank Girl 2 #2 0229185010 9.8 32 6/2/2014
Tank Girl 2 #3 0231509006 9.8 32 6/2/2014
Tank Girl 2 #4 0231509007 9.8 32 6/2/2014
Tank Girl: Movie Adaptation nn 1607234023 9.6 22 11/23/2018
Tank Girl: Apocalypse 1 0218525002 9.6 22 6/15/2014
Tank Girl: The Odyssey 1 0218525001 9.6 22 6/15/2014
21st Century Tank Girl Sampler #nn 0253129001 9.4 9 6/4/2015

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