CGC Registry

Hulk vs Surfer

Set Type: Incredible Hulk (1968) #102-#474 All Variants
Owner: surfer99
Last Modified: 4/27/2024
Views: 1200

Rank: 80
Score: 8043
Leading by: 93
Points to Higher Rank: 259

Set Description:

1972-1974 X-men, Juggernaut. Anytime the Hulk throws down with another powerhouse, it's a good time...Wolverine, Juggernaut, the Silver Surfer. To this day though I still can't figure out why the Silver Surfer doesn't just cure Banner by sucking all the gamma radiation out of him like he did in Astonishing Tales #93. On second thought, if he did that there would be no more Hulk, and what fun would that be?

Excerpt from writer Steve Englehart...

"This is another book I inherited from Archie Goodwin, like VAMPIRELLA, LUKE CAGE, and JUSTICE - which was made doubly fun by the artist, Herb Trimpe. Herb and I both worked in the Bullpen, and he'd been on the book for years, so it was a no-brainer to get every bit of his input every month. This was made even better by the fact that he's a terrifically nice guy."

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