1sts of the New X-men
New X-Men 128
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New X-Men 128 Modern
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Owner's Description
1st appearance of "FANTOMEX." A trained assassin that is out to get the X-men, who somehow proves his loyalty to them instead. Fantomex even betrays the one who sent him, foiled to do away with the X-men, once again. 9.4 is a hot item for this particular book, and found at my DVD store, I'm hoping other's that I sent in get a similar grade. Up to CGC and those stockers at the store though. I can find them bagged and boarded there, and they're at least fun to flip through. The book itself being a 1st appearance in the Grant Morrison run was interesting and a fun goal to achieve. It had a lot of insights on what his run was going to be and how he wanted to handle the X-men. Glad to pick it up and have it in the collection. I've since gone back and found a few more, but these days this run has simmered into a steady heat in the market. All while inspiring for the readers that I've found, I call that a win, win, win!
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass before released to theaters of, "Amsterdam!" Since this comic issue takes place in Europe, specifically Paris, France and surrounding areas, we've got the assassin on the loose in both comic and movie form. Guaranteed to take to the rural side of things to track down the new age motif that is brewing!
Grader Notes Unavailable.