The LL&P Collection - Pedigrees, file copies, and collections
Mass. Copy pedigree.
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Comic Description:
Midnight Tales 10 Universal
Page Quality:
Mass. Copy
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Owner's Description
Sure, this cover has Arachne on it but this is one cover of the series that I dislike. Just looking at the cover you know that both Coffin and Arachne were supposed to have word balloons and they don't. I want to know what they’re so upset about. Guess I’ll have to read it. This would be a great time to do one of those caption contest and see who could come up with the best word balloons to put on this cover. There's that clock again. It just sits there doing nothing. Give it a purpose, have a ghost in it or at least some spooky eyes starring out of it. Part of the 6 issue Mass. Copy pedigree purchase. Once again, like on the last issue, we see Wayne uses the “Zoo Baby” title. Okay, dislike may be a bit strong a word, I do like the concept that I think Wayne was going for, if the large puppets are controlling the small puppets whose controlling the large puppets, I mean they do have strings attached to then, somebody’s up there pulling the strings. This is the first issue that no longer has a “Featuring” logo box along the bottom edge which I always enjoyed.