A magazine that was in competition with the "MADs" of the world, this one had street credentials too. It had many hooked readers, buying off the stands, for kids and adults alike. These "jokes" pushed boundaries and probably wouldn't mean the same if printed today. Those are the breaks for comedy routines, and they are still things that break the internet today. Times gone by, are they all really gone? No, and some are even immortalized in print, here for our collectability! Yes indeed, "The Joke", it is up to you!
The Lampoon's made movies among other media and ephemera, and that was a classic age even in the 80's. Many a family used it as an example of a typical yet exotic American Family, subtly but impactfully.
Laughing time, everybody pack your bags we're going on vacation. Indeed, levity isn't always brevity and thank you so very much for long winded versions of gut busting. Whether by elders like the three stooges, or thereby competition, such as Spy vs Spy! Those days of coming together to laugh at ourselves without the cloak of being cynical is up to the roads traveled and where they lead us! Thereby we have some truth said in jest, that accounts for the awry behavior we see in the skits, stand-up, and or other ways of comedy. If just to make us think and perhaps critique, ourselves, we won't fall by the wayside as a stick in the mud. Get out your lambasting mud slingers and try to get some on yourselves as well. We all do anyway to do it while giving the best medicine is a good prescription; laughing all the way: Ho, Ho, Ho!