CGC Registry

National Lampoon-----Get Your Laughs!

Set Type: National Lampoon
Last Modified: 8/3/2021
Views: 170

Rank: 4
Score: 36
Leading by: 6
Points to Higher Rank: 115

Set Description:

A magazine that was in competition with the "MAD's" of the world, this one had street credentials too. It had many hooked readers, buying off the stands, for kids and adults alike. These "jokes" pushed boundaries and probably wouldn't mean the same if printed today. Those are the breaks for comedy routines, and they are still things that break the internet today. Times gone by, are they all really gone? No, and some are even immortalized in print, here for our collectability! Yes indeed, "The Joke", it is up to you!
The Lampoon's made movies among other media and ephemera, and that was a classic age even in the 80's. Many a family used it as an example of a typical yet exotic American Family, subtly but impactfully.
"Courtesy of Imgur"

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