CGC Registry

THE Defenders Hulk Surfer and Others

Set Type: Defenders (1972)
Last Modified: 10/25/2022
Views: 166

Rank: 109
Score: 82
Leading by: 2
Points to Higher Rank: 2

Set Description:

There are some 30 cent and 35 cent Variants in them there HILLS! Friends come and go, but Defenders are forever? They get at odds with each other in their 1st couple of Marvel Feature issues, making it then to their own lasting series and the 1st ongoing! The "group of the day" or just anyone who feels like claiming membership? The Defenders spring forward, and from, out of nowhere! Exciting and new, no one knew what to expect in each issue.
Defenders takes a shot at the fun-loving 70's, and the risks that Marvel will take to try and make it with the groupings of heroes that all have promise. An expected end was made of the streaming series that included Iron Fist. What is next for the Defenders? What is there left to do and accomplish? Making heroes out of the actors and actresses who were willing to play roles with heart!
"Courtesy of Imgur"

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